We Bought A Cottage!

So excited to announce that we bought a small hunting cottage in the Ocala National Forest! This sweet little cottage was built in 1950s and originally sat next to the Salt Springs Run that connects to the Saint Johns River. It was moved to its current location in 1969 and and has sat untouched since.

It’s only 516 square feet but it’s full of character and is begging to be loved. With a lot of elbow grease and determination, I really believe that this old hunting cabin has an overflowing amount of potential. I can’t wait to add some Lowcountry elements to it while keeping it clean and modern. We’ve already gotten a great head start into demolition and working on the floor plan (thanks to a certain quarantine). Going to try my very best to post our progress consistently and keep you guys updated on how cute this place is going to turn out! Now to think of a name for the cottage.....


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